Oh, the Places We’ll Go in 2021!

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2020 was a challenging year for travel, but this moment of pause allowed travelers the opportunity to dream about their next big vacation. Now with the vaccine rolling out, it finally feels like there is a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. 

 Everyone can use a vacation right now, and as we prepare to travel this spring break or summer, Zapwater has got you covered with our top four destinations and resorts for your bucket list. But don’t just take it from us, these top media outlets agree that #ZapClient hotels, resorts, and destinations are the best places to go to in 2021. Check out what the top sources for travel are saying about our clients:  

·       Finland

52 Places to Love in 2021 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

·       Hawks Cay Resort (Florida Keys)

50 Best Places to Travel in 2021 for a Much-needed Vacation | Travel + Leisure (travelandleisure.com)

·       Grenada (Caribbean)

21 places to go in 2021 | CNN Travel

·       Baja Sur California

Where to Go in 2021 (bloomberg.com)