Recently, our client, the new Hotel Sax Chicago launched some incredible packages based on celebrity contract riders. (You know, all the stuff celebrities request in their hotel rooms or green rooms during their stay.) Packages are inspired by various artists such as Jennifer Lopez, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Rat Pack and even a fictionalized character with a true celebrity persona – Ari Gold. The hotel offers guests a chance to live like these famous faces for a night with rooms filled with white flowers, apple pie, tubs of Heineken, a bath butler or your own personal “Loyd” for the day.
A few weeks ago, I got a call from producers at Nightline, ABC’s nightly news program asking about the Celebrity Rider Inspired packages and expressing their interest in featuring the Hotel Sax and these packages in an upcoming segment. I couldn’t believe it! Nightline is one of the most prestigious news programs in the country and we were honored to work with them.
The piece aired this past Tuesday night during the “Sign of the Times” segment. One of the most rewarding things about a job in PR is actually watching your work come to fruition and I have to say this was hands down one of my favorite PR experiences and one of my favorite clips.
Annie Neyman
Senior Publicist