I'm not much of a political aficionado but I have to admit that this election has been more exciting than any I can remember. No matter where you get your information on the election or how involved you are or who you think should be the next President, the most important thing this year is voting. If ever there was a time to register and make a difference for our country and our generation it is now. Everything from fashion magazines to the Paris Hilton's of the world have in some way contributed to this election season and restaurants are no exception.

At the end of this month, RA Sushi will go "maki-to-maki" in the taste test of this election season. During the span of both Democratic and Republican conventions, RA will have customers taste test sushi rolls that embody both Presidential hopefuls and vote on their favorite. Political pundits and sushi supporters will have a great time tasting the "Blue" BARACK ATTACK and the "Red" MCCAIN TERRAIN and voting on their favorite candidate. And the best part is that $3 from every sale of the Campaign Platter ($10), will benefit Rock the Vote, an organization that engages and builds the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in our country.

The winning candidate’s roll will be inaugurated onto the menu at all three Illinois RA Sushi restaurants starting on Friday, Sept. 12 through Friday, Oct. 3. Both Lombard and Glenview locations will also host voter registration events with Rock the Vote on Thursday, Oct. 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. and Friday, Oct. 3 from 6 to 8 p.m., respectively.
SO, if you haven't done it yet, now is your chance to register for possibly the most important election of our generation.

Annie Neyman
Group Director, Hospitality