Five years ago, Zapwater was operating out of my two bedroom condo. We’ve come a long way in the years since. But, it is with mixed emotions that I announce that we are moving our offices.

For the last five years, we have called 1165 N. Clark home. But as Zapwater continues to grow, we realized we needed space that will allow us to continue our growth. In August, we’ll be moving to the West Loop. Between now and then, we’ll be releasing more information about the where’s and what’s of our new office.

In addition, we’ll be asking for design help. Annie and Jenn have been very clear that this time around, I don’t get to pick the paint colors. Hopefully, this will prevent us from once again ending up with mustard colored walls.

We’ll leave the 1165 N. Clark space with lots of stories and memories. But it’s a new beginning at Zapwater and we’re very excited.

But for now, we need your help. We’ll be posting pictures of desks, chairs, conference room tables, paint colors and even racks for our show room. We want your opinion. Tweet us any of your thoughts or suggestions to @ZAPWATER.

David M. Zapata President